Somerset Mendip Methodist Circuit
Charity Number 1134237
About Churchill Methodist Church
Front Street,
N. Somerset. BS25 5NG
Located 200m from traffic lights on A38 in the direction of Weston Super Mare, to the right of the memorial clock tower. Extensive car park through the coach house at the right hand end of the property. Access may be made via a ramp at the car park side or through the front porch.
" The mission of our Church is to know Jesus and share His love."
Worship is led by a member of the ministerial team or by a local preacher and at times by the local worship team.
Regular services are:
SUNDAYS Weekly Worship 11.00am
'Create' once a month on Sunday’s at 4 pm
COMMUNION is celebrated approx monthly either Sunday morning or evening.
There is a Bible study meeting at the church every week on a Monday evening.
The building is Grade 2 listed situated in the village of Churchill, which is spread along the A38 and A368 at the foot of the Mendip Hills, approximately half-way between Bristol and Weston -super - Mare, an area well known for its scenic beauty.
The church was built in 1880 by Sydney Hill, a local business man and benefactor, as a memorial to his wife and both are interred in a mausoleum along the front of the building. The church interior is traditional and celebrates many aspects of Scripture, particularly in the several ornate stained glass windows.
Facilities and Activities
There is a unisex disabled toilet and the ladies toilets both of which have been refurbished in recent years.
A room named The Oasis, serves as a quiet room for prayer, bible study, small church meetings and study nights for Advent or Lent courses etc.
Adjoining the church is a large hall, once the schoolroom for local children, which now is an invaluable facility for the many church functions and community events that use it.
One most appreciated in the locality is the Thursday Lunches also served from the well-equipped adjoining kitchen, by church members and friends, to 30 or more senior citizens.
The Churchill Girl Guides troop meets regularly as do Rainbows and Cubs.
Monday mornings in term time there is a Toddler Group using the hall and kitchen. The hall is also for hire for parties and community meetings.
Two minibuses, owned by the Churchill & Langford Minibus Society, are kept at the church and are frequently used by church groups.
For further details of all church groups and activities please visit